Guerilla Live #22: Featuring dark feats of magic by Alexander the Great Magician

By Alexander the Great Magician

In a few hours I'm going to have the pleasure of mingling and mystifying the nice lovely folks checkin gout the Guerilla live event this month. Along with the re-opening of the Loft on Elgin Street in Ottawa, this combined event should expect a turn out of over 400 people. Ambitious card and avoiding magic-haters are going to be big ones tonight.

Details on how to see me perform magic tonight can be found on the flyer below. There should be a photographer present and photos will hopefully soon follow. most likely on Facebook

As Jay Sankey once said, Ambitious Card, you pay my bills once again. In more ways than one this is true, and I'm gladly willing to take all the credit that this card trick generates me. Last night after entertaining the kids at a christmas party I started on a few card tricks as I was waiting to get picked up from the venue. The man was truly amazed at the skills I apparently had with cards, and it also led me to organically lead into a disappearing card trick when his son showed up minutes later. A great core to any magicians routine, I'm hoping that by next year I'll learn a few more phases to really help me build the best magic routine based on the Ambitious card.


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